Depression Therapy

Has Depression Left You Feeling Hopeless?

Are you slowly losing interest in everything you were once passionate about? Have you been withdrawing from your relationships and feeling isolated? Do you feel like you’re carrying a weight that holds you back from experiencing joy?

Depression Can Lead To A Loss Of Meaning In Life

You might feel like you’re carrying a deep-seated sadness that you just can’t shake. Or maybe you feel numb, and nothing sparks an emotional response in you anymore. Even when things seem to be going well, happiness escapes you.

It might seem like you no longer have a purpose in life, and you’re just going through the motions. Perhaps your performance at work or school has been slipping because you’re having trouble concentrating. You might be so fatigued that it’s hard to put in the effort at your job or in your classes, and you may wonder if working hard is really worth it when you don’t see anything to look forward to in your future.

Depression can also have an adverse effect on your physical health. Perhaps you are feeling increased fatigue or exhaustion. You may have trouble falling or staying asleep at night.. You might not feel hungry very often, or you may notice you’re eating more than usual to soothe yourself. 

By seeking professional treatment, you have the power to overcome your depression. Through therapy, you can find freedom from your depression symptoms, rekindle your enthusiasm for your old hobbies and interests, and restore your relationships with your loved ones.

Depression Is One Of The Most Common Mental Health Disorders

When you’re coping with depression, you might feel like you’re utterly alone - but depression is actually a widespread problem. At some point in life, everyone will be faced with difficult circumstances that leave them feeling down. But some people experience long periods of low moods and profound sadness that constitute major depressive episodes and interfere with their ability to function in everyday life. Sometimes, these symptoms arise without any clear connection to upsetting circumstances or events.

Biological, Psychological, and Social Factors Can Contribute To Depression

There is no single cause of depression—multiple factors can lead to this disorder. People might start experiencing symptoms after facing an adverse event, such as a life transition, trauma, or the loss of a loved one. Living with high levels of chronic stress can lead to depression as well. There is also a genetic component, as people with a family history of depression are more likely to develop this condition.

Depression can affect anyone, regardless of their background. No matter the cause, getting professional help is crucial, as the stress of living with untreated depression can actually worsen your symptoms over time. But people may decide against seeking help because they believe they simply need to “toughen up” and deal with their symptoms, or because they assume that the problem will eventually go away on its own. 

Sometimes, people don’t even realize that they’re depressed until a loved one points out that they haven’t been acting like themselves. But there is no shame in reaching out to a therapist for help. In counseling, you can address your depression symptoms, heal your emotional pain, and create a life that brings you genuine happiness.

Therapy For Depression Can Help You Find Your Way Back To Joy

When you’re living with depression, it can be hard just to muster up the energy to meet with a therapist. But opening up to a counselor in a safe, relaxed environment can bring you a sense of relief. At Foothills CBT, you can share whatever is on your mind without judgment. Your therapist will help you develop helpful skills to reduce the severity of your symptoms so that you can re-engage with life in a meaningful way.

What To Expect In Depression Therapy

Throughout sessions, you’ll work closely with your therapist to understand your symptoms and their impact on different areas of your life, from your relationships to school or your career. You’ll explore how your thoughts, patterns, and behaviors can exacerbate your symptoms, and you’ll learn new strategies and tools to manage depression and cultivate a more helpful mindset. Overall, your therapist will guide you as you clarify your most important values and build habits that align with these values so that you can experience joy, gain a sense of accomplishment and build a life you love living.

Treatment Approaches For Depression Therapy

Your counselor will work with you to draw up a customized depression treatment plan, incorporating techniques from different evidence-based therapies. For example, through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression, you can explore the links between your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how these patterns affect your mood. Rather than simply trying to “think positive,” your therapist will help you build new thought patterns that better serve you so that you can shift your behavior over time.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a specific form of CBT that helps people practice mindfulness, cultivate acceptance, become less “stuck” in ineffective thought patterns , and improve their quality of life. Additionally, you can pick up new tools for distress tolerance, emotion  regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness through Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). This modality can teach you how to let go of harmful habits and implement lifestyle changes that benefit your mental health. 

Your therapist will also emphasize a treatment strategy called “behavioral activation”, where they’ll guide you as you engage in meaningful activities to increase opportunities for joy and mastery, without pushing you to make changes that you aren’t ready for just yet. You’ll explore how depression has influenced your worldview and re-evaluate your perspectives and beliefs. Finally, you’ll practice mindful self-compassion and learn how to treat yourself with kindness throughout the healing process. 

Living with depression can leave you feeling hopeless. But with support, you’ll be able to understand exactly what’s causing your depression and learn beneficial coping skills so that you can reconnect with your purpose.

But You May Still Have Questions About Depression Therapy…

Can therapy really help me overcome depression?

If you’ve been experiencing  the fog of depression, you might have trouble believing that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. But with professional support, you can make significant progress and find freedom from your symptoms. Rigorous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBT, DBT, and ACT in helping people alleviate their symptoms and improve their mental wellbeing.

How long will it take before I start feeling better?

While we cannot predict exactly how long it will take before you notice a reduction in your depression symptoms, we generally recommend attending sessions regularly for two to three months to notice an initial improvement. Some clients may see improvements in a shorter period of time, and others will engage in long-term therapy to treat severe depression or for more maintenance once their symptoms have improved.

Do I have to attend therapy in person, or can I book virtual sessions?

If you’re struggling with depression, it can be tough to work up the motivation to attend therapy sessions in person. Therefore, we offer a hybrid treatment model for our clients. Our counselors are available for in-person or virtual sessions using a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. 

With Support, You Can Reconnect With Your Purpose

You can recover from depression and find happiness in your everyday life again. If you want to learn more about our practice and approach to therapy, email us at or call our office at 720-432-7061 to schedule a session or connect with a provider for a free, 10-minute consultation.

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